Witch Ape Studio youtube
Witch Ape Studio youtube
We wanted to make sure that you know about the Witch Ape Studio youtube channel. There you will find the official videos of the bands that we have recorded, mixed and/or mastered. You will also find videos of Brothers of the Sonic Cloth, TAD band, Noise Floor podcast extra content as well as Thomas Andrew Doyle official videos and much more. Please CLICK HERE and take the time to subscribe to the channel. After we get to our goal of 500 or more subscribers by September 1, 2017, we will start doing give-aways of shirts, hoodies, CDs, vinyl, DVDs and free downloads of music. But we need your help! Please share this with anyone who might be interested. In fact, please share this in copious amounts on facebook, twitter and any other social media you can! Also, please tag your post with “#witchapestudio”
From all from us, Thanks for subscribing! If you would like to contribute to keeping the NoiseFloor_ podcast and Witch Ape Studio going, please consider becoming a patron. Thanks so much!
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